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Illengond Page 43

  Thimeon seemed to ponder the request for a minute, rubbing his chin as he did. Elynna watched him, and realized again how sorely she had underestimated him. As the counselor to the king, he would be one of the most powerful men in Gondisle.

  “It is a gracious offer, and one I feel unworthy of,” Thimeon said. “Do not hold it against me that I must say ‘no.’”

  Dhan appeared surprised. “I confess my disappointment. The land needs healing.”

  “It does,” Thimeon agreed. “That is why I must refuse. I cannot dwell in Citadel in comfort during this time. I must return to the Andani, at least for the time. A month. A year. I don’t know how long.”

  The prince nodded. “Then I name you my counselor anyway, and—if I do indeed become king—you have full authority to act on my behalf. If you are traveling anywhere seeking to bring healing, you will be serving Gondisle better than any other way I could think of. But please come to Citadel when you can.”

  Thimeon bowed. “That I will do. Though when I leave Aeti I hope to travel to the Plains soon enough, if Tienna will welcome me.”

  For one of the first times in the memory of any of the companions, the huntress blushed, and stammered that Thimeon would be welcome.

  The prince looked at Tienna. “And you return to the Plains? If so, will you travel with me as far as Hilt?”

  “I will,” she replied.

  “What of you?” Dhan said, turning suddenly to Elynna. “Where will you go? The Westwash if far away, and there are no direct routes.”

  “There are paths down the mountains west of the Undeani land,” Braga said, “I can show them to you.”

  Elynna shook her head. “No. Such trails may reach the bottom, but there they only got lost in the fens and river bottoms of the lowlands. In any case, that is not the way for me. I have no home to return to. My father and mother are dead, and now my brother has joined them.”

  “Then where?” Dhan asked. “You are welcome in Citadel, but I think you are needed in the Westwash, and I need somebody to send there.”

  Elynna took a quick glance over at Thimeon who still stood beside Tienna, their arms now interlocked. She turned back and met the prince’s gaze. “I don’t know if I have the strength, but if you want me to go, I will, though I go alone.”

  “Not alone, I think,” Dhan said, glancing over at the remnant of Westwashers who had survived all of the battles. Then he ran his fingers through his hair. “I have traveled many places as king, but only once have I been to the Westwash. I would go there again, and see your land. If you will go there now, and bring the stories of what has happened these past days, to bring hope and news of victory to people who are in grief and despair, then I give you my word that I will come in the Spring and find you, and give you what aid I can. If I succeed and become king, that is. When winter storms are past, I will come north and see your land.”

  She met his eyes and felt both the sincerity and the compassion in his promise. “I don’t know how I’ll get there, or who will go with me, but I will go. And I will look for you in the Spring. I think I will need your help.”